Saturday, June 9, 2012

Myocardial Infarction

Assalamualaikum wbt
Guys, could you imagine if something bad happen to someone that you love?
I am trying to say, that I pernah be ready for this, but it's bad. Susah nak sabar and susah nak redha. Terima takdir Allah dengan hati tenang dan terbuka.

Last Friday 1st June 2012. I rasa macam nightmare, which husband was heart attacked. Oh Ya Allah. Macam-macam was inside my mind. I tak percaya. Setiap orang akan cakap same thing kan? I can't deny.
I cuba jadi cool and act sabar dengan semua tu as at the same time I tak boleh control myself at all.
I fikir macam mana nak drive? Macam mana, macam mana itu, macam mana ini? It was bad.
Dia kena attack masa futsal. He felt like something happen to his face. Macam kebas and sejuk. He went to toilet and sat, dia muntah and can't stand noisy environment at that time.
Mahu dijadikan cerita I tak pergi pun tengok dia main futsal as normally I did. Every Friday I selalu tengok dia main futsal, but that day I won't. I sibuk dengan tempah baju untuk wedding adik ipar I. See? It wasn't me.

I kept tunggu him to call me back after he didn't pick up call at 9pm. I tunggu sampai 1030pm. And his brother return call and said that my husband kena heart attack. Memang rasa nightmare. Rasa seram sejuk badan I secara automatically.
He is yang sangat sihat, seems like OK and sihat was jatuh sakit macam tu, and I can't believe that.

(Kenapa teruk sangat bahasa I? Hmm. Please ignore for this time)

I sampai dekat Damansara Specialist almost 1130, dah lambat satu jam. Which at that time dia dah masuk operation room. Doctor diagnose dia (MI) Myocardial Infarction - heart attack.
Kena buat angiogram malam tu jugak. Doctor said, kalau lambat 2 jam, dia sukar untuk diselamatkan. Thanks Allah for giving me, him and us for second life.

Tak perlu rasanya cerita macam mana condition masa dia lepas done the angio. I sangat sedih. Sebab never see him like that before, dengan wire seluruh dada, oxygen and bla.bla.bla.

Sekarang, condition dia OK. Alhamdulillah.
Smooth and everything InsyaAllah will be fine.
Tunggu check out from this hospital and I believe we will try to appreciate life as we can.
I try to be his dietitian as I can :)

Thanks to all colleagues and friends and most special support from family. Thanks alots. Thanks very much.
Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. yela...mau tk cuakkn..riso sesangt..banyak2 berdoa n sabar ye....Alhamdulillah bila tahu yg hubby u getting better....klu aku kat tempt ko xtau la cuaknye bagaimane kan...aku ni menggelabah sikit..
