Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Alhamdulillah :)

To the person I loved, been love so many years, had love before haha and for every single person in my life.
Alhamdulillah, I am getting better. From time to time, from minute to the hours, just praise Allah, syukur. Alhamdulillah.
Moga diri ini lebih istiqamah.

I don't have more words to describe feelings.
Appreciate life, appreciate time and every single things surrounds you.

Too many things was done. Dah pindah. Dah sambut Hari Raya Haji, Deepavali dan Tahun Baru 1434H.
Juga, officially saya 28 tahun =) Alhamdulillah again. For every breath that Allah gave.
Banyak benda-benda penting was happen, miracle also happen in between we really looking for it.

I was sick a few days, a few weeks. I am very weak. At the time nak raya, nak cuti, boss pulak went to Germany for almost 2 weeks.
I tak boleh ambil cuti. But I really need rest. My mind stress. Depressed. Serabut sangat. Nasiblah, dapat balik Taiping and spent more time
dengan parents and sista, dapat released banyak masalah rupanya. Dalam hati macam-macam fikir, kenapa I was down betapa rasa yang lama.
I don't like dengar muzik, tengok TV apatah lagi, Adam Hawa pun tertinggal macam tu je :P I was overthinked about people. Hati jadi macam tak tenteram.
Finally, again Alhamdulillah. Bad feelings was gone. Yang tinggal sikit-sikit je angin dalam badan. Rasa mual, rasa nak muntah, rasa sesak nafas bila tak makan. Bila terlebih makan pun
sama jugak. Banyak benda yang rasanya I can't stand. Tapi bila kekuatan from families bagi included husband. Allah show me the strenght. Mana saya nak raih semua tu.

Just note from me; don't panic bila kena attack dengan angin/asthma/migraine/gastrik. Inhale Exhale. Prepare something that make you cool. Macam I, I simpan aromatheraphy balsam for reduce stress.
I tak tahu dimana relevant nya, tapi bau dia menenangkan. Lavender also a good deeds for minda yang stress. Saya standby Gaviscon dalam bag. Makan on time (even though this is the hardest part). Drink alots of warm water.
I beli air Anugerah ( I try because before this I never believe all this kind of things)

Memang mudah kan nak beri pesanan hahahaha. Tapi nak buat memang agak payah. Tapi macam mana pun, we need to be strong and try. InsyaAllah.
My mom always pesan supaya kita 'Yakin'. So now, I am yakin to blogging merapu macam ni and really hope I can have time to write more after this :D
Assalamualaikum :)

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